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Paediatric Dentistry

Building A Good Foundation

Maintaining your child’s dental health now will provide health benefits well into adulthood, as primary (baby) teeth serve some extremely important functions.

Primary teeth guide the eruption of permanent (adult) teeth, holding the space into which these new teeth will erupt. The crowns (tops) of the permanent teeth actually push against the roots of the baby teeth, causing them to resorb, or melt away. In this way, the adult teeth can take their proper place.

For about the first six years, primary teeth help with biting, chewing and speaking. Until around age 12, your child will have a mix of primary and permanent teeth. You will want to make sure those teeth stay healthy and are lost naturally — when it’s time.

Your Child's First Teeth

Your child’s 20 baby teeth will begin to appear usually between six and nine months, though in some cases it may start as early as three months or as late as twelve months. The two lower front teeth tend to erupt first, followed by the two upper ones. The first molars come in next, followed by the canines (eyeteeth). To help with teething discomfort, wipe your child’s gums and newly erupting teeth with a water-soaked gauze pad or damp washcloth.

Daily Brushing Routine

Around age 2, we encourage you to establish a daily brushing routine with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and no more than a thin smear of fluoridated toothpaste. Your child may need your help with this important task until about the age of 6.Early childhood caries (tooth decay) can develop rapidly, progressing from the hard, outer enamel layer of a tooth into the softer, inner dentin in six months or less.We offer a variety of dental treatments offered to prevent tooth decay in children, or to save or repair teeth.

For most pediatric dentists, the first daunting task is to instill confidence in a scared child before examining them. Our dentists and nursing staff at the Bright Smile Dental Clinic are well-versed in handling children, calming them down with soothing chit-chat to help them feel at ease. In addition to complete oral health-care, we provide a safe and friendly environment for children, right from infancy to adolescence.

Our skilled dentists rely on a variety of specialized techniques and procedures which are designed to manage the complex dental problems of children.

Treatments Included in Child Dentistry

Children can’t handle pain like most adults do, so our treatments for dental problems in children are tailored accordingly, designed to protect your little one from unnecessary mental and physical trauma, pain or discomfort during dental procedures.

Fillings – When cavities destroy small portions of the teeth, the affected areas have to be cleaned thoroughly and filled to reduce any further damage. For children’s teeth, we generally use a composite resin made of glass particles and plastic, which is strong, durable and color-matched to natural teeth. It also bonds with natural tooth enamel and helps to fill in gaps between uneven teeth.

Root Canal – The best treatment for cavities in a child’s tooth is a root canal procedure. To prevent further gum or tissue damage, the affected area is filled and capped with ceramic or metal implants. During this procedure, our experts will educate the child on the long term problems and effects of tooth decay, as well as preventive measures for good oral hygiene.

Fluoride Application – Fluoride plays a crucial role in the preventing cavities, especially for children. We encourage regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste. In cases where brushing alone is ineffective at protecting developing teeth, fluoride may need to be applied twice a year to reduce the likelihood of cavities being formed. At our clinic, pediatric dentists can apply fluoride in two ways:


Topically – Using gels, mouth rinses or a varnish

Systemic – Providing fluoride through salt tablets mixed with water or drops

Space Maintainer – When a tooth falls off prematurely, a new tooth will grow to replace it. If a permanent tooth takes an unreasonably long time to form, the surrounding teeth can bend into the gap, causing problems that will require painful orthodontic treatment at a later stage. A space maintainer is used to maintain an empty space for the new tooth. The space maintainer clip ensures sufficient space for a new tooth and supports the surrounding teeth too.

Pediatric dental treatments at the Bright Smile Dental Clinic aren’t time-consuming, usually lasting just a few hours so children can be discharged the same day. Our doctors, nurses and orderly staff are friendly and love children, so they strive to make the entire experience as comfortable and painless as possible!

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